A Lesbian Domination Adventure
I was getting bored. I would been here for two hours already. All of the
nice-looking females were sometimes with an individual or didn’t want anything to do with somebody like me. I smiled to myself. Too harmful for them. I leaned back on my barstool and stretched, my eyes roaming the patrons one last time before leaving.
Generally there she was. A stunning dark-haired girl looking right at me, a faint smile on the face area of her. I held the eyes of her for a moment, to determine if she was significant. Her gaze never wavered. I left a little cash on the bar and stood. Slowly, apparently with no certain location, I wandered in her direction. Once every then and now I caught sight of her through the group, sitting there, smiling gently, looking down into her glass.
I paused at her table. “Pardon me, is anyone sitting here?” She smiled up at me. Her speech was deep, melodic. “No. And I’m not either.” My heart sank as she stood up and collected the things of her. “I am going somewhere quieter.” She stared directly into the eyes of mine.
“Care to join me?”
Before I could easily answer, she took my hand and was leading me with regard to the door. My heart was pounding as I followed along. Outside, I started to ask her where were were going. “Shh, be quiet. Do not care about it. A place is known by me we won’t be disturbed.” This was getting to be as unnerving as it was exciting.
For many blocks, she held my hand tightly as we walked along the cracked pavement. Stopping in front of a small furniture shop, she paused.
“In here”, she whispered. To the amazement of mine, a key appeared in her
hand, and before I knew it, we were in the furniture store with her locking the door behind us.
She led me through the darkness with a certainty that made me realize she had done this many, many times before. That kind of upset me, that I was
just an additional conquest for her, until it hit me that that’s all she will happen to be to me. Another conquest.
We paused in front of a display of bedding.
“Strip”, she stated.
Today my face was flushed. This was a little too strange for me. Accomplishing it
in a furniture grocery store, in the darkness, on a display bed. “Wait a minute, it’s
sort of creepy in there. Cannot we go someplace else?”
“You can certainly. I am staying here.” And she lay down on the bed, stretching
her body invitingly. I stood there uncertainly.
“I asked you to strip”, she said.
In a slow manner, I undressed. It was so odd, standing there in the dark,
nude, surrounded by brand new furniture, with a woman waiting for me. It was rather
thrilling, in fact.
“Lie down.” I did. My body was covered with goosebumps. I would never
been into kinky things, although I was extremely switched on by this specific time.
To the dismay of mine, she stood up. “Stay there.” I watched as she undressed
in the darkness, her body sillouetted from the faint lighting from the front window. I can watch her big breasts, I could even see her erect nipples.
She moved to just one side, my eyes to follow her. She bent over, and also I
heard a rustling sound. Then she stood once again, and leaned over the bed.
I felt something close around the wrist of mine. I blinked, and my wrist was
tied up to the bed frame. I attempted to protest, to say something, but she jumped
on the bed and wrapped one more rope around my other wrist. Instantly, she
fastened it with regard to the bed frame. I lay there in shock as she tied the ankles of mine as
well. No longer was I excited. I was afraid.
“What are you doing?”, I asked weakly. I couldn’t see, but I could
sense her smile within the darkness.
“What do you need me to do?”
“Untie these damn ropes.”
She laughed. “I don’t think so. You’re the one who began this. YOU
came to ME. You cannot back out now.”
I lay there, miserable. She was right, I had gotten myself into this.
Today everything I’d to do was determine a way out of it.
Her voice dropped to a whisper, but instead of finding it appealing, it sounded threatening.
“Here, maybe this will make small things easier.”
She was beside me. I tried to go away, but I was bound too tight.
Something went around the head of mine, over my eyes. I was blindfolded. She laughed.
“There. Much better.” Significantly less far as I was concerned. I was terrified.
I experienced her on the bed with me, and cringed. I cried out as I felt
her mouth close over my left nipple. Her hand was on the mound of mine, plus my entire
body shuddered. She spoke softly.
“There, there, everything will be all right. You merely relax. We
aren’t going anywhere for quite some time, so only relax and enjoy yourself.”
Her finger slid into the pussy of mine, and I cried out all over again. Her mouth
went from breast to breast, sucking, licking, nibbling at them. Her finger
rubbed my clit frantically, and before I understood what was going on, I was moaning in ecstacy as a tremendous orgasm rushed through me.
She stopped. I lay there panting.
“See? It’s not so toxic, is it?” I didn’t answer. “IS IT?”, she said
a lot more sharply. Frightened again, I shook my head quickly.
I experienced her moving, and also found myself inhaling the scent of an aroused woman. She knelt above me, the crotch of her in my face area.
“Lick me, honey.” No sooner had she stated that when I sensed the tongue of her
probing me. I gasped at the unexpected pleasure, and lay still, whimpering.
I did. This female knew how you can please, I’d to admit. As I tongued
her fragrant pussy, she was easily bringing me to one more climax. I
paused, panting.
“DON’T STOP, HONEY.” Startled, I resumed the task of mine, and was soon
rewarded by hearing her sigh as he she kept right on licking me. She was
rocking back and forth above me, as well as I strained to keep my contact as we both equally came time and time again.
She moved quickly, twisting around plus kissing me on the mouth. The
taste of my very own fluids, the scent of my own arousal, made me should go with whatever she wanted. I was so hot.
She untied the ankles of mine. Then my wrists. Gratefully, I massaged my
wrists, but she grabbed me as well as turned me over. My wrists happened to be bound together
behind my back, my ankles bound once again to the bed. In spite of myself, I was
still aroused. Maybe this wasn’t so toxic after all.
Her voice was husky.
“Shame on you, going to singles bars, looking for women.”
And she spanked me. I yelped and attempted to twist away. No luck.
“Shame on you, making love in a public place.”
She spanked me once again. My bottom was burning.
“Shame on you, thinking you would have your way with me.”
Another spank.
I lay down there gasping, and suddenly felt her slide her fingers into my still drenched pussy. My ass was on fire, and the sudden pleasure was too
much. I came quickly. And I came hard.
She didn’t prevent. She spanked me, played with me, spanked me, and
played with me. I was very sore, so aroused.
I felt her untying my ankles. My wrists next. She rolled me over and
ripped the blindfold off. She knelt above me, watching me in the dim light.
I looked up at her in wonder. And fear. And longing.
“Make me cum”, she whispered.
As I climbed to for her, frantic with desire, I realized I did not even know her nameā¦.